Friday, November 22, 2013

Why It's Important to Treat an Impacted Tooth

A pleasant smile can go a long way, but it can be hampered once a growing tooth becomes impacted. Since an impacted tooth cannot grow correctly due to its placement under the gum, this nuisance can be very painful to the point of being unbearable for some people. The tooth most commonly impacted is the wisdom tooth. This is usually due to the person’s bone structure – the jaw does not have enough space to accommodate the wisdom tooth.

Treatment of an impacted tooth will depend on its severity, condition, and position. One treatment option is to administer a fixed orthodontic brace to align the tooth. Another option is to completely remove the tooth to decrease pressure and lessen the risk of overcrowding.

If the impacted wisdom tooth is not removed, it can lead to Pericoronitis or the infection of surrounding tissues. This condition can trigger fever, bad breath, jaw problems, pain when swallowing, or swollen lymph nodes. Tooth decay is likely to happen as well since dental plaque can form between the impacted tooth and the tooth adjacent to it.

Don't let an impacted tooth bring pain to your life. You have the option to have it fixed or removed. The best solution is to visit a trusted dentist that offers general or cosmetic dentistry for proper evaluation and treatment.